Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> park is in phase I construction. The preliminary design work and site investigation has <br /> been completed. Final design work has to be completed. Orange County has <br /> appropriated approximately two-thirds of the projected $480,000 project costs. The <br /> remaining cost is approximately $160,000. <br /> School Construction: The construction of elementary school#11 of the Chapel Hill- <br /> Carrboro School System. School construction cost is estimated at approximately <br /> $34,000,000. <br /> Twin Creeks East-West Connector Road: Providing access to Twin Creeks Park and <br /> adjoining property, this road would extend from Old NC 86 north of Carrboro,NC <br /> westward to the intersection with Lake Hogan Farm Road and increase connectivity and <br /> ingress/egress options for the area. The cost is $890,000. <br /> Twin Creeks Park: Twin Creeks Park is a ninety-six acre park north of Carrboro,NC. <br /> The site of a former dairy farm that dates back to the early 19th—century, the park <br /> includes a historic farmstead with house, gambrel-roof barn and other farm buildings. <br /> Phase 1 of the park would include four full size soccer fields,parking, a picnic shelter, <br /> trails and associated amenities. The cost is $4,000,000. <br /> Value Added Agriculture Processing Center: Farmers and local food entrepreneurs in <br /> the Piedmont region of North Carolina will have access to a new processing center to <br /> help compete in the emerging Buy Local, Eat Seasonal, and Farm to Fork Economy. The <br /> planned processing center will be within 1.5 hour drive of 16, 214 farms in a twenty-two <br /> county area. Farmers and food entrepreneurs will benefit from an FDA-inspected food <br /> processing facility and 3.3 million consumers in the service area. <br />