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as breakage or accident to machinery or lines of pipe caused by an event of Force Majeure, <br /> enactment of statutes, laws or regulations, and other acts of Governmental Authorities (excluding <br /> acts by a Party) frustrating the purposes of this Agreement. Force Majeure shall in no event <br /> include (i) any change in the economy or in the markets, pricing or demand for natural gas or <br /> LFG that affects the University's ability to use LFG, or the price at which LFG or natural gas can <br /> be sold, or(ii) increases in the cost of constructing or operating the LFG Project. <br /> 27. Gas Conversion System shall mean any equipment used by the University to <br /> convert the Landfill Gas into thermal or electric energy, including an engine, generator or boiler. <br /> 28. Gas Flow Meter shall mean the device(s) used to measure the rate of Landfill <br /> Gas flow,methane content, and other parameters. <br /> 29. Gas Sold means any LFG delivered to the Delivery Point. <br /> 30. Global Warming Potential or GWP means the estimate of the atmospheric <br /> warming resulting from the release of a unit mass of a particular Greenhouse Gas, in relation to <br /> the warming resulting from the release of the same amount of carbon dioxide. <br /> 31. Governmental Authority means any federal, state, local or foreign court, <br /> arbitrator, alternative dispute resolution body, government or political subdivision or department <br /> thereof, or any governmental, administrative or regulatory body, commission, board, bureau, <br /> agency or instrumentality. <br /> 32. Greenhouse Gases or GHGs means carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, <br /> hydrofluorocarbons,perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride <br /> 33. Higher Heating Value or HHV shall mean the amount of heat released when a <br /> known volume of methane is burned and shall equal 1012 BTUs per cubic foot of methane at one <br /> atmosphere pressure at 60 degrees Fahrenheit(60° F). <br /> 9 <br /> {00018638.DOC 24} <br />