Agenda - 02-10-2009 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-10-2009
Agenda - 02-10-2009 - 3
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/6/2009 4:44:33 PM
Creation date
2/6/2009 4:43:53 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090210 Work Session
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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Attachment 1 <br />2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION EXCERPTS <br />Following are excerpts from the adopted Comprehensive Plan that offer guidance in the area of <br />Plan implementation: <br />Section 1.4.3 -Advisory boards and staff should review Comprehensive Plan goals and <br />objectives on a regular basis and develop specific ideas on implementation strategies for <br />presentation to the Board of County Commissioners. Setting priorities will be guided by the <br />feasibility of accomplishing the strategies within a given year. <br />Implementation strategies that are presented to the Board of County Commissioners should <br />identify the following: <br />^ The corresponding Comprehensive Plan goal(s) and objective(s); <br />^ Estimation of fiscal impacts and staff resources required to implement the strategy; <br />^ Identification of responsible department and advisory board(s) and any contributing <br />department(s) and advisory board(s) that will be engaged in strategy implementation; <br />and <br />^ A timeline for implementation of the strategy. <br />The Board of County Commissioners will consider implementation strategies submitted by <br />advisory boards, review the recommended timing considerations assigned to individual <br />objectives in the Comprehensive Plan, consider fiscal constraints and opportunities, and <br />provide guidance to the County Manager on priorities for implementation. <br />Section 1.4.5 -The Board of County Commissioners will, as needed and appropriate, <br />prepare a work plan for Comprehensive Plan implementation strategies that identifies <br />strategies to be initiated in a given year, the human and financial resources allocated to <br />implementation of the strategies, and the parties responsible for implementing the strategy. <br />Section 1.5.2 - A set of evaluation criteria, including a set of sustainability and community <br />building indicators, or metrics, together with specific action statements will be developed for <br />each Plan Element by each Element Advisory Board with assistance of County staff within <br />the first year after plan adoption. The evaluation criteria may include short-term (1-2 years), <br />medium-term (3-5 years), and long-term (more than 5 years) measurements. Combined, <br />these evaluation criteria will be used to inform periodic updates of the Plan. The evaluation <br />criteria will serve as a "Report Card" and will describe how and where the County is making <br />progress on implementation of the plan and where additional attention may be needed. <br />
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