Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />7. A car~nection from Highway ~0 east to the ] nterstate connector sl~ouid <br />re~nair* a priority when submitting projects to i~iGDCT for consideration. <br />Please r~o#e that the above list is nat a complete list of atl of the <br />recommendations contained in the Efland-Mebane SAP, but serves as a .guide to <br />the most signifiicant actions that must occur before subsequen# ar;tions can be <br />pursued. <br />NC Highway ~7 Speedway Area Srnai! Area Plan Highway ~T SAPS <br />The BOCC ado}~ted the Highway ~7 SAI' an August 27, 20{l7. Irrrplementatior~ of <br />tl~e plan will recluife actions as foilaws: <br />1. Adopt the Higi~way 57 SAP as part of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />2, Revise the Land Use Element map to include the Highway ~7 5AF Study <br />Area. <br />3. Adopt Ganditionai Use zoning text amendments, with the Rural Economic <br />Deveiopment Area component. <br />4. Consider deveioper initiated zoning atlas amendments within the Higs~way <br />57 5AP Study Area at a later date. <br />Eno ED€~ Area Srnail Area Plan <br />The BOCC adapted the Ana EDD Area SAP on June 24, 20U$. The successful <br />implementation of this small area plan is dependant upon an lnterioCal <br />Agreement with the City of Durham tp provide water and sewer services is this <br />area. lmlalementatian of the plan will require actions as follows: <br />~ . Adopt the Eno EbD Area 5AP as park of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. Negotiate an Interlacal Agreement with the City of burharrrto provide water <br />and sewer services to the area. <br />3. Revise the Lana Use Eietnent map to refieet t>~e Proposed lsuture Land Use <br />AAap cnr~tairted in the SAP and revise t#~e Land Use Element text to include <br />the new lanc€ use category. <br />4. Incorporate necessary text changes into the Zoning Qrdinance to implement <br />the revised Land Use Element. <br />Please nafie that the ai~ove list is not a corr~iete lis# of ail of the <br />recorr~rnendations contained in the Eno EDD Area SAP, but serves as a guide to <br />the most significant actions that must occur before subsec~uerrt actions can be <br />pursued. <br />