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z~ <br />~ NA -~-1~. Develog a Comprek~ensive plan far achieving a netwarlS ~ protected open <br />spade tktroughout Dranga County, which addresses #i,reats to important natural areas, <br />conreecfi~~ty between protected areas, coardietiatiort with neighf~aring aaan#ies, and ` <br />sustainable management c~ c.ri#icai rtiatural resources. <br />~Il~l- 7~, protect tatad in and araur~d biologically sic~r7if~can# areas, and canr~ec~.ior~s <br />between these areas, to ailow for the maintenance of na#ive wildlife and piar~t <br />a u;ations and their ~nctionai reiationships. _ _ <br />L#~ ~ 3.7. Discourage urban sprawl; encourage a separation of urban and rural iand <br />uses, and d~act new deve]oprnent iota areas where necessary community facilities and <br />services exist through periodic updates #o the Foture Land Use Dian. <br />Ll# - 3.8. Create r}ew zoning distric#{s} which aklow for a mixing of corrtmerciai and ~ , <br />residential uses, a rnixlr~g of housing types, an creates a more pedestrFan friendiy '- <br />develaprnent pattern. New districts sinouid be app~eci in areas where }~ubiic services <br />r exist or are piar~ned for in tt~e #utrare, in areas tfi~at prornate higher intens'sty and high <br />d~ns~r uses. _...~ _-_.._.. ~ -- - <br />ISSUE <br />The SGRC poncept was initiated indeper~dentiy of the Comprehensive Plan <br />adoption process, bu# the SGRC Aragrarrt has been envisioned as an <br />innevative foul fv implement the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Qbjecti~res.~ <br />lVc~w that the Comprehensive Plan is adapted tfi~e program can move forward. <br /> <br />Pianning staff proposes to compute the third artd final phase of the SGRC <br />program to be made a part of the GarTtprehensive Plan text and Zoning <br />Ordinance text artd map. <br />PRaCESSl7lMEFRAfUtI~; <br />The SGRC Prograrrt Design arld implementai<ion Pian i$ proposed to be <br />adopted anc~ implemented in the fptlowing manner`. <br />1. Adopt the SGRC Program Qesign and Implementation Plan as part of the <br />Cantprehensive Pian (Presented at the okay 2009 Quarterly Put~lic l•'learing~~ <br />2. Revise the Land Use Element map to designate Transitional Areas, <br />Economic Revelopment Areas and Dural Cornrnuni#y Nodes as potential <br />SGRC areas receiving areas) and presented at the August X009 Quarterly <br />Pt:tblic Hearing); <br />3. Adopt Canrlitianal Use zoning text amendments and other rrrinor text <br />changes to ensure text consistency with SGRC terminalagy (This item is <br />scheduled for the February 2ad9 Quarterly Public Hearing}. <br />