Orange County NC Website
<br />kSSt.IE <br />'1"he existing County landscaping and k~+~f#ering standards dv not adequately <br />reflect recent national and interna#ionaE efforts to apply sustainability principles to <br />loco! land development projects. Also, the subject of Crime Preverrtian ~'hraugh <br />Enviror~mer~tal Design ~CP~ED} is absent in the present County Cade. <br />PRORQSAE <br />To incorporate sustainable landscaping artd tree preser-ration principles into fhe <br />Zoning Qrdinance, Subdivision Regulations and Economic Development Design <br />Manua! through text amendments to each dact~ment. An alternative to inserting <br />rcew standards irrte multiple codes is to begin to create a Unified Development <br />Code which was a goof in prflrtiot~5 years. The topic and how it aan lead to better <br />organization and understanding of revised ofd codes and implements#on of new <br />Ct~rnprehensive i7iar~ objectives will be explained mare in upcarnkng months. <br />PRDCE551"k~kfwlE Fk~AME <br />Staff proposes to present arnendmvnts to Sections 'l2 and 2~ of the Zanirtg <br />Ordinance at file February 2009 Quarterly Pu}~lic Hea~'ing, ~It fhat #ime the <br />BDCC rttay wisf} to refer the proposed amendments tc Loth tl~e Planning Board <br />and Camrnission for the Environment for faview and recommendations. <br />Amerrdmerkts to the Zoning Ordinance regarding sustainable landscaping will <br />implement several ob~ectivvS lis#ed in the Cvrnprel,ensive Plan. <br />