Orange County NC Website
~# <br />helped deveiop the "Grange burning Green" program. The program was <br />esta4~iished'to begin implerrMention a# BUCC environmental policies. The <br />recemmerEdatior~s advocate far be#ler water use and sustainable landscaping <br />standards, which are ecologically supportable and mare energy efficient, <br />BaGC Policy. 7fite BC?CC #irst adopted two objectives under its Environmental <br />Responsibility Goal an December 5, 200b. The first objective was to deveiop a <br />countywide environmental leadership policy and institu#e a startiding <br />Enviranrnental Action Committee. The second was to aantinue, expand, and <br />formally adopt the use of green building stan[f~+rcls; construct new facilities and <br />deconstruct outdated facilities in a way that is eco-friendly, utilizes energy <br />conserving measures, and rrtinimi~es impacts an the environ3'rtent. Can April 12, <br />2807 the BCC adopted flee priorities to enhance the impiemerttatian of the <br />second objective pf its Environmental f2esponsibility Goa>'.. C)ne of live priorities <br />is to adopt 'smart growth' principles of land develap~ent and site planning <br />including 'low impact design' guidelines in planning and erasion control <br />regulations by t}~e end of 208. <br />Camprettensive flan. The text below surnrnar~zes the planning principles, <br />goals and objectives faunc4 in Phase ii oil the Comprehensive Pian Upda#e,. <br />approved ore November 'f8, 20fl8, which provide direction tv sustainable <br />landscaping ocrrECepts. As the amendment comes farwarcf, specific references <br />wilt be made to the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />The overarching planning principle put forth in thc~ Corr~prehensive Plan is to <br />"Encraurage energy efficiency, lower energy consurnp#ion and fhe use a# nan- <br />poiluting renex~rabie energy resources while promoting both air qualitjr protec#ian <br />and the development of art effective transportation system:' <br />Within this planning principle are several goals statements as follows: <br />1. Fiscally and environmentally responsible, sustainable growth, consisteht <br />with the pravisiart of aclsquate services and facilities and a high quality of <br />life. <br />2. Land uses chat are appropriate to on-site enviranrrterttal conditions and <br />features, and tha# protect natural resources, cultural resources, ar~d <br />community char2~cter. <br />3. Energy conserva~ort, sustainable use of hart-poilutir~g renewable energy <br />resources, icient use of non-renewable energy resources and clean air. <br />4. V1la#er Resource Preservation. <br />5. Land uses that are appropriate to on-site ettvironrnental eonditiarts and <br />features, and that protect natural resources, cultural resources, and <br />community character. <br />~. A balanced and healthy diversity of native plarEt and anima! populations. <br />7. l~etworks of protected natural, cultural, and agrlcuitural lands. <br />8. Adequate, safe, and h~:althy groundwater withdrawal and wastewater <br />disposal systems with minirttiurn impacts upon water and land resources. <br />9. Ef#icient and effective drainage, starmwater, #loodplain management, and <br />erosion control systerr~s. <br />