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2 <br />Existing Ideas <br />Part 1, Land Use Plan Amendments - Prepare a descriptive summary of Land Use Plan <br />amendments (map and text) that have been recommended in adopted small area plans and a <br />public hearing implementation schedule for BOCC consideration. The County has completed <br />small area plans for the following areas: Efland/Mebane, Eno EDD, and NC 57/Speedway. In <br />addition, Land Use Plan amendments will be forthcoming as part of the Hillsborough/Orange <br />County Strategic Growth Plan and will be included in staffs proposed schedule. <br />Part 2. Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) - Develop a proposal to complete a UDO for <br />BOCC consideration within the FY 2009/2010 budget. Said proposal would include <br />recommendations on: <br />a) Purpose and Scope; b) Process and Timetable; c) Ordinance Review; d) Staff/Consultant <br />Partnership; and e) Fiscal Impacts. <br />Staff suggests a UDO be prepared to reformat and compile existing land use ordinances, <br />eliminate inconsistencies among existing ordinances, and update ordinance language <br />consistent with current NC General Statutes (See Attachment 2, "Planning Director's Memo, <br />3/3/09"). The UDO could also be prepared to incorporate a variety of BOCC existing <br />ideas/initiatives such as standards for sustainable landscaping, drive-thrus, traffic thresholds for <br />rural subdivisions, and/or other ongoing planning projects (See Attachment 3, "Planning <br />Director's Memo, 11/24/08", for descriptions of ongoing planning projects, and Attachment 4, <br />County Attorney Memo, 1/29/09 ). <br />A UDO could provide the County with a solid foundation and manageable starting point to begin <br />the ongoing implementation of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan that will include review, <br />evaluation, and the evolution of new ideas into ordinance and/or practice (Staff will distribute an <br />example UDO outline at the meeting). <br />New Ideas <br />Part 3, A Process for Annual Comprehensive Plan Review and Work Plan Authorization - <br />Develop guidelines for staff and advisory boards to review the goals and objectives of the <br />Comprehensive Plan and generate implementation ideas/strategies for BOCC consideration on <br />an annual basis. <br />Staff recommends guidelines be developed to ensure ongoing commitment to Plan <br />implementation and to maintain consistency in the collection and reporting of proposed <br />implementation ideas/strategies to the BOCC. The identification of lead and contributing <br />departments and advisory boards, coordination, community outreach, staff resources, and <br />anticipated fiscal impacts are some of the items that should be thought about and identified to <br />the extent possible as implementation ideas/strategies are reported to the BOCC. <br />It is recommended that the Board authorize Planning Staff to develop guidelines for an annual <br />Comprehensive Plan review and work plan authorization process and report back to the BOCC. <br />Input on guidelines would be requested from the Managers Office and the Departments of <br />Economic Development; Environment and Resource Conservation; Housing and Community <br />Development; and Parks and Recreation. <br />