Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />aberrations in the rac~ent past that have new been worked through by Planning taking <br />the lead at this stage. <br />CLiRFtEI~T ANh FUTElRE AC~E~N: <br />As staff teas previously irEformed the Board, there are six {6} typical steps involved with <br />imiafementing planning changes, which arch as follows: <br />7) Muiid-departmental ASE workgro~ap (with updates to the P$QRG and <br />invitations to athcr depart+r~nts and{or advisory boards} <br />S#a~F Commer~f: T11e wofk group has nearly completed 2+i1 work associated <br />~~ith the development of tl~e ASE manual and development standards for <br />review by the UoCG at the February ~QQ9 Quarterly Puk~iic l-!caring. <br />2} f~and lase Plan Text ~pending} <br />3) Lana Usa~ Plan Map <br />Stag Comment: Staff has determined that there wilt not lie a need far map <br />amenclmerits to su}~port the ASE program. <br />4} Zoning Text <br />Sfaff Comrnen#: Staff is 9n the process of fnalizing several amendments to <br />the Zoning ordinance to implement the ASP pragrarn. These amendments <br />are anticliaated for presentation to the BpGG at the Fe1~rUary 2p~9 Quarterly <br />Public Hearing. <br />~) honing Atlaslilllap ~pendirEg) <br />f~ I~ei:itlonerApplicatian <br />Staff Carnrnsrrt Staff has finalized a petitioner application aid will present i# <br />as part of our presen#aiian of the ASE pragrarr~ at the February 24g9 <br />quarterly Public Hearing. ' <br />