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~~ <br />farmers could utilize to supp©rt, augment, and sustain heir existing <br />agricultural activities. <br />3~ Staff distributers draft copies of the ASE User Manual to various county staff <br />members, including Dr. 1=!etcher Barber of Cooperative ~ Extension and <br />representatives of h[RGSIOrange County Soii and Water District, for review <br />and comment. <br />Responses to the E~raft Manual were kncarporated into a revised document. <br />4) In September of 2047, staff rrtet with representatives of the Towns of Ck~apel <br />Hill ar-cl Carrbaro Planning Repartments to review the averaik goals and intent <br />of the ASS program. l~verakk, our pkanning partners expressed. support for the <br />purpose and intent of the project. They dicl, hgwever, express modest <br />reseruations over the possibility ~ of allowing for commercial development <br />within the Rura! Gaffer FRB). <br />As the program has been deveiapecf, commercial development on a farm <br />located within the RB zoning district is not being proposed. <br />s} Throughout the months of Qctober 20{}7 through Febnaary 2048 staff had <br />been working an various honing Qrdinance amendments to complete the <br />krrEpiementation portion of the ASE program. The finale ordinance amendment <br />package is now being completed far distribu#ion to the: <br />a. BCGC, <br />b. Manager's of#ioe, <br />c. Attorney's office. <br />d. Planning E~oarrl, <br />e. Cooperative Extension, <br />f. Orange County Soil and Water, <br />g. Towns of Chapel i-lili and Carrboro, and <br />h. Town of Hillsborough courtesy review} <br />for frna! review and tv solicit additional comments. let sh©u!d be noted that <br />formal' presentation on the proposed irnpiementation methodoir~c~y for the <br />ASE program was put an hold due to the submission of the Buckharn Village <br />Planned €~evelo}~n~ent project. The proposed irriplemerttatiar~ strategies <br />sour~i~t to comprehensively revise the existing Planned QavelQpment process, <br />which could not be completed while a project was being reviewed under the <br />current Ur~linance requirements. <br />ISSUE: <br />This program was initially amulti-department effort legit by ECC and ERCi), with input <br />from the Gcunty Attorney's Office and Planning. There have been some continuity <br />