Orange County NC Website
<br />Memorandum <br />TO: County Commissioners <br />From: Laura Blackmon, County Manager <br />RE: Proposed Reorganization Plans <br />Date: November 18, 2008 <br />There is probably not a governmental entity in existence that is not considering <br />ways to streamline operations and utilize limited funding to the max. Since <br />November 2006 when I was hired as the Orange County Manager, I have <br />explored options for more efficient county operations. The County's <br />departmental organization was noted as an area where changes and <br />consolidation could bring greater efficiency and better service delivery to the <br />residents. Such changes are already in effect in the Financial Services <br />Department, which consolidated Budget, Finance and Purchasing; and in the <br />merger of GIS into Information Technology and Land Records into the Tax <br />Assessor's office. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline my <br />recommendations which continue reorganization of departments and functions <br />which acquire, develop, manage and preserve the County's many and varied <br />assets. <br />Mission of Proposed New Department <br />Discussions among department representatives of the ERCD, Engineering, <br />Public Works and Purchasing and Central Services Departments over the past <br />several months have yielded a consolidation plan that would carry out the <br />following mission elements: <br />1. Acquire, maintain and sustainably manage the public assets of Orange <br />County government, including lands, facilities and grounds, and vehicles. <br />2. Promote and coordinate efforts for the conservation, preservation and <br />stewardship of the County's environmental and cultural assets, including <br />land resources, water resources, air/climate and agriculture. <br />3. Monitor and assess the County's progress towards sustainability, both in <br />terms of internal County operations and for the County as a whole, <br />developing recommendations, implementation measures and reports <br />(such as an Annual sustainability Report Card) to address needs. <br />4. Oversee, implement and coordinate County goals for environmental <br />protection and natural and cultural resource conservation, including <br />periodic assessments of environmental protection efforts (such as the <br />State of the Environment report and open space reports). <br />5. Plan, conduct and implement the construction of all County capital <br />projects and facilities, including project administration and management. <br />6. Develop, implement and coordinate a County deconstruction program to <br />ensure its long-term viability and continued marketability of the <br />recovered inventory. <br />