Orange County NC Website
°"~'t ~ F;~E 5~U <br />Chairman Walker stated that the Board had agreed to adopt an assessment <br />ratio at this meeting. Discussion ensued. <br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Ira A. Ward, seconded bq Commissioner Renrq S. <br />Walker, it was moved that the County retain the 70~ assessment ratio. <br />Commissioner Henrq S. Walker stated that the citizens who had contacted him <br />about the matter were opposed to the increase in the tax assessment ratio and <br />that he Pelt due to the fact of the re-valuation program that one major ohange <br />at a time is enough for the tax pagers of the County. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett read the following statement: <br />The Looa1 Government Study Commission has endorsed the repeal of the <br />asaessmerit ratio. The Commission feels and I quote, "This practioe has <br />outlived its usefulness and nerves only to confuse taxpayers and reduce <br />protests of valuations." Tf the Bill introduced in the General Assembly <br />be passed, 7anuarq 1, 1971} would be the effective date. In one gear, the <br />issue may be a dead one. <br />The Raleigh News & Observer stated after our neighbor Wake County <br />went to 100 assessment rate that "this step will remove the camouflage <br />and silly deception of imposing an unnecessarily high tax on only a portion <br />of true property value." <br />If the tax rate is cut the proportiate amount remains the same, the <br />new tax formula will eauae no increase in actual taxes paid - real and <br />personal property. <br />Wake County has given their citizens a choice with the listing of <br />persona], property. He can either list his personal household goads at <br />10~ of his house or apartment; or he can call the county and have an <br />appraiser some out to assess all his personal property, including food <br />and clothing. <br />Wake County Tax Supervisor Lonnie Boat saga that most people choose <br />the 10~ route. Its easier and usuallq cheaper. <br />Personal property worth is vary hated to determine and judge by evergone. <br />Because of the inequities and administrative difficulties in the taxing <br />of personal propartg. The North Carolina Association of Assessing Officers <br />in November, 1972 unanimously recommended that property of this nature be <br />classified and excluded from the tax base. <br />If personal property is to be taxed, maybe Wake Countg~s solution <br />would eliminate some of the problems. <br />Now there has been a lot said about the effect a 100 assessment <br />ratio on certain taxes ~ Chapel Rill-Carrboro School Supplement, Recreation, <br />Fire District and even the new bus levy. The 100 ratio can have no effect <br />unless the governing body so desires Take the Chapel Rill-Carrboro <br />School Supplement Tax. Though the Board of Education may submit a supplement <br />currant expense budget of the maximum of ~~~ which has been approved bq the <br />voters, the final authority rests solely with the Board oP County <br />Commissioners! Each of the School Board moat prepare the supplement budget <br />and each of the County Commissioners may approve or disapprove in part or <br />totally. The 100 ratio changes nothing unless the Commissioners do want <br />a change and this is almost meaningless angway now that the General Statutes <br />have been changed allowing supplement ou line item current expense funds, <br />The Chapel Hi11 Board of Aldermen has the same perrogative with the <br />Recreation and Bua levg, <br />In summary, the only reason I am pushing for the 100 ratio is tc <br />simplify the proceedings and to let the tax payers know exactly preaiselg <br />what value the county has placed on his property. If the complaints do <br />mutiply, maybe we all asn learn something. I, for one, do not mind being <br />inconvenienced far the sake of clarity and a greater understanding bg the <br />people of Orange County. <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whitted stated that he was in favor of increasing -. <br />the assessment ratio in order to simplify the matter of tax value to the tax <br />payer and that he felt the 100 assessment ratio would clarify the situation. <br />Chairman Norman Walker stated that ha concurred with Commissioners Garrett <br />and Whitted, however, he felt that the special district tax should be adjusted <br />downward for the benefit of those in the special tax districts. <br />