Orange County NC Website
''~S '~ ;~~F rJ~4 MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />December 28,. 1972 <br />The Board of Comm3asionere of Orange County met 3n special executive session <br />in the District Courtroom oP the Courthouse in Aillsbvrough at 7:30 o~elock P.M. <br />on Thursday, December 28, 1872. <br />Members Present; Chairman C. Norman Walker and Comtnisaionera Henry S. Walker, <br />2ra A. Ward, Flora Garrett and Richard Whitted. <br />M®mbers Absent: None -- <br />Phis meeting wee held in ord®r that the Board of Comm:i.saioaers might continue <br />their study of the possibility of the County acquiring the utility property o:f the <br />IIniveraity of North Carolina when the IIniveraity sells this property.--~ <br />There being no il~rther business to come before the Soard the meeting was <br />ad3ourned. <br />C. Norman Walker, Chairman <br />S. M. Gatti a, Acting Clerk <br />2 <br />~. <br />