Orange County NC Website
. _t 7 '~. rJi~. <br />WREREF'CRE, Petitioners reapeatfully request your Honorable Body to take <br />such action as may be legally neoesaary to relinquish and abandon any rights <br />or privileges which the public might conceivably have acquired is said erase <br />so as to permit the oomplete closing and abandonment of portions of said <br />drive, sa shown on the plat attaohed hereto, for street or right-oP-way <br />purposes. <br /> submitted, this 4th day of December, 1972. <br />Roger Cash Pa L. A icon <br />ancy M. as reae A son <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />ORANGE COIINTY <br />ROGER G. CASH and wife, NANCY M. CASH and PAIIL L. ADDISCN and wife, <br />IRENP H. AADISCN, being first duly sworn, depose and say: <br />That they era the petitioners is the above entitled action; that they <br />have read the foregoing Petition and are familiar with the contents thereof; ~ <br />that the same 3s true of their own knowledge and belief except for those <br />things therein alleged upon information and belieY and as to those, they <br />verily believe them to be true. <br />Roger Cos , A an Pa Q son, A an <br />ancy M. Cash, A ant Irene H. A ison ~ <br />i <br />Sworn to sad subscribed before me, this the - day of ~_______-_~ 1973. <br />otary Pu c <br />My Commission expires: <br />~, <br />Diaoussion ensued. j <br />IIpon motion of Commissioner Ira A. Ward, seconded by Commissioner Flora <br />Garrett, it was maned and adopted, that the public hearing on the withdrawal <br />of a sixty Yoot (60') dediasted unnamed roadway was scheduled Yor Tuesday, <br />January 2, 1973, at 12 o'clock noon. <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that the County Attorney had 1 <br />received a ruling from the Attorney Generals Office relative to the request of <br />the Chapel Hill Leased Housing Corporation. Tha following letter was presented; <br />"The Chapel H111 Leased Housing Corporation, a nonprofit, non-share <br />issuing corporation organized under Chapter SSA of the General Statutes of <br />North Carolina, purposes in its charter to promote housing projects Por <br />persons of low income by rendering financial assistance to the City of <br />Chapel Rill and its Housirsg Authority, to acquire buildings and facilities <br />usable as housing for persons of low income ("Yor the use oP the Housing <br />Authority of the City of Chapel Hill"), and to promote the common good and <br />general welfare of the City of Chapel Hill and ita inhabitants. It will <br />issue bonds to be aeovred by anticipated rent revenues, and when it will <br />have Fully paid any indebtedness incurred under such bonds, it will upon <br />the request oP the City of Chapel Rill transfer to it all its properties and <br />"affairs". <br />As Orange County Attorney, you eak whether the County has authority <br />to exempt the properties of the Chapel Hill Leased Housing Corporation from <br />ad valorem taxes. <br />We can Pind no authorisation for excepting property of the Chapel Rill <br />Leased Housing Corporation from ad valorem taxation. <br />