Minutes - 19721128
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19721128
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8/13/2008 12:09:08 PM
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<br />---•{ '~ -'~- 50s <br />c. Annual paggmmeenta to this account shall less than $15,000.00 until a reserve <br />of X75,000.00 hea._been accumulated; <br />d. Provid a reserve for capital costs oP a new site when the present facility is used <br />up. or ~v provide a reserve to change to another form of waste:diapvsal in the event <br />one should become praaticel. Annual payments to this fund shall be $10,000.00 per <br />year aFter the first year. <br />e. No revenue from use of operations of the Fill shall be used except as setforth here- <br />in; <br />f. The reserve account shall be invested in accordance with the regulations of the local <br />government commission. Interest paid on any reserve account shall be retained in <br />that aaaount. <br />6,.Permitted Uaes. The Facility shall be used for the disposal of garbage and other solid <br />household, business, and commercial waste, disposal oP trash including brush, trees, stumps, <br />demolition material, waste building material, discarded Furniture, appliances, and other <br />solid waste products of a similar nature. <br />Temporary storage oP ju•nked automobiles pending removal for reuse of the materiels con- <br />tained therein shell be permitted at the Facility provided that such cars will be stored <br />in a separate cleared and fenced area until a aufPiaient number have been accumulated to <br />economically juatiPy their removal. <br />7. Reclamation. <br />s, Good reclamation praaticel shall be observed in treating ax~y portion oP the land <br />that has been Filled. Grass will be planted as soon ea practical to reduce problems dust <br />and erosion. Within a reascnable period of time following completion of a section of the <br />fill, pine trees will be set out as an additional ground cover. <br />b. Land shall be cleared in advanne of any fi111ng operations only as needed: When i <br />an area is cleared trees shall be:sold for limber or pulp wood if possible, and any pro- <br />coeds therefrom credited to the~_operations account. Good Forestry practices shall be <br />followed with regard to the remaining portions of the tract of land acquired for use for <br />such facility, which shall allow sale of timber or pulp wood when beneficial. Consider- <br />ation shall be given to possible future uses oP this property as a park and recreational <br />area, and preservation of trees which will enhance the possibility of this use. Ar~q <br />revenue from sale oP trees shall be planed in the landfill aaaount. <br />8. Other Intermediate Uaea. By agreement of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Orange County, <br />other uses of portions of the property may be allowed, subject to the Following conditions: <br />e. Such use must~b®::a.publia:.uae;; <br />b. Suoh use shall not interfere with the:purpoaes oP the property of disposal of solid <br />waste; <br />c. Suoh use shall not unnecessar$.ly disturb the surrounding property awnera. <br />g. Disposition of Land. It is agreed that the desirable Future use oP the property sub- <br />ject tv this agreement, at such time as it is no longer needed Por solid waste disposal <br />Facility, is for park and recreational purposes. However, should conditions at that time <br />be such as to make this use undesirable, the land may by unanimous action of the parties <br />hereto be disposed of in some other manner. <br />10. Modifioation. The terms of this Agreement may be modified only by the unanimbus..agree- <br />men~ties hereto. <br />IN WITNESS W~REOF, the Parties havehereunto caused this Agreement to be executed in <br />their respective names by their appropriate officers and their official seals attadlaed, all <br />by order of their respective governmental bodies. <br />ATTEST: TOWN OF CEAPEL HILL <br />David B. Roberts, Town Clerk By: /s/ Howard Lee Mayor <br />ATTEST: TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />Philrip Whitaker, Town Clerk By: /s/ Robert J. We11s, Jr., Mayor <br />ATTEST: COUNT7C OF ORANGE <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk By: /s/ H. D. Bennett, Cbsirman <br />to Board of Commiasionera <br />
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