Minutes - 19721128
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19721128
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<br />1. Ownarah~. The parties having agreed upon the sharing of the land costa and the <br />coat necessary,to open the faaility for use as a landfill, ea hereinafter aetforth, <br />it is understood and agreed that by appropriate deed or other instruments ownership <br />of the land shall be held jointly sa tenants in common, but without the right to <br />request division in the following percentages: <br />Chapel Hi11 lE3~ <br />Orange County 43% <br />Carrboro 11}~ <br />2. Coate. Costa of said faaility shall be divided in the percentages above aetforth <br />which aorta shall include: <br />a. Capital Costa. Capital costa shall include the purchase prise of the land <br />including that which is currently owned by the Town of Chapel Hill by deed from <br />R. G. Hancock as well as that under option and contract by and between Chapel Hill <br />and R. G. Hancock, and all oosta necessary for opening the landfill. The coats for <br />opening tka landfill include but shall not be limited to the costa of aonatruction <br />of the entrance road, clearing for the first years use, fence end gate required for <br />Phase Z operations, purchase and construction of scales, engineering and legal costs, <br />costs of construction oP the first garbage trench end trash trench, drainage required <br />for the first year of operation, the purchase of traotora and other equipment during <br />the first eighteen (18) months of operation. <br />b. Oa~erating Costa. Operating costa shall include but shall not be limited to <br />operating personnel at the fill, clearing, trenching and covering, and other such <br />operations. Subsequent to the digging of the original trenches, the rental of equip <br />ment, purchase of equipment after first eighteen (18) months, supervision, policing <br />of the area, and Road 1727, recording keeping and billing and accounting required <br />by the operations of said facility. <br />3. Service. The facility shall be available to all residents of Crange County and <br />that part of purham County within the corporate limits of the Town of Chapel Hill. <br />!~. Operation. The landfill shall be operated by Chapel Hill in accordance with <br />standards of the North Carolina Board oP Health. A record of all material delivered <br />to the facility shall be kept end the appropriate charges made, a complete record of <br />operation, expenses and revenue, shall be kept and an annual report made to eacq party. <br />5. Fees. A Pee aohedule approved by ell the Parties shall be adopted. The schedule <br />must meet the following minimum ariteris: <br />e. Fees shall be uniform to ell users; <br />b. The Ease shall be auPPi0lent to (1) meet all operating costa, (2) provide for <br />a reserve for the purchase of equipment and expansion of the faoility es needed; <br />
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