Orange County NC Website
Attachment C <br />MOOT- 2~ A~iculturai ttewiopnt~nt b l~artnland Pres~nratlon Brant Cycle Budget. tntorniatfon <br />APPLICANT NUMBER: AC?M-ADFP-U&QB1 <br />APPLICANT 4ROANIZATtaN: Orange County <br />GRANT' VALUE: $132,t}OC?~ <br />APPROVED BY; NC FP Trust t=u t3rants Coordinator "rnan~cr ~ ana ~+ete-vatw. oveineaa arv- not e'rowaWe cow ra mmtwr~smentw <br />SIGNATURE: Date: tJ / .?©'©$~ <br />APPLICANT 31t3NATURE: 1~c~ ~~~~G~k%~~_ Dtgte: ~~ 7~OA <br />Page 10 of 12 <br />Please format yow m twdget In i!~ foNowing marx~r. The reimbursement of axp~tdltures must be oonslstent with the allowable exists <br />which wig ba ~cludad in Me torlhoomMg budget grant e~ntraot, Funds, up to 1 tN16, can f~ moved wghgr me approved line gems wi~art prior <br />approval. I-ny amount e t t~ of the total budget wNl requN+e prior appnnraf of the Gram CooM~ator. No new line items wlu be agowed <br />wghewt prior approval of the ProJact Adminlstralor and the Gram Coordinate: Gemrolehd 6udpat I~ormatton mua~, ~ ~g~d 4y th4 NC <br />AAFP Tnnt Frmd e~alf bv~X 11. ZOOa to remain elkrik(*iortundina in ffib oraMtna cvcle. <br />