Agenda - 02-03-2009 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-03-2009
Agenda - 02-03-2009 - 7a
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Last modified
3/21/2016 11:01:15 AM
Creation date
1/30/2009 3:48:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090203
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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Attachment A <br /> Further, RPAC stated that the Orange County Parks and Recreation "Sun Fun" Day Camp Program <br /> was an affordable and accessible option to all residents of Orange County. The Orange County <br /> Recreation and Parks Advisory Council is asking the Board of Commissioners to reinstate funding for <br /> the Recreation and Parks Department Summer Day Camp Programs in fy2009-10, with the <br /> understanding that equivalent revenues would be generated from fees charged. <br /> Orange County Parks and Recreation received many phone calls from individuals who voiced their <br /> concern about what the loss of the program would mean to their family. Staff directed inquiries to the <br /> Social Services program as well as to each of the alternative camp programs. Parks and Recreation <br /> remaining Athletic summer camp programs were all filled by May. Each of these camps is sport <br /> specific, focusing on Basketball, Football, Soccer or Baseball. Most of the camps had some children <br /> enrolled who had little or no interest in the sport. Some of these kids did not participate in the activity <br /> all day, but preferred to sit against the wall and watch. They had been placed in the camp for purposes <br /> of low cost day care. Unfortunately, some children who were interested in learning how to play that <br /> sport were unable to participate due to over enrollment. <br /> Parks and Recreation does not advocate for the reinstatement of"Sun Fun" Camp. Staff recognizes the <br /> impact the loss of the camp had on the community, and feels the need to continue to serve those who <br /> have felt the loss most deeply. Parks and Recreation has tentatively planned some alternatives to the <br /> "Sun Fun" program for the Summer 2009 season. The fees would be set up to recover all of the direct <br /> costs involved in the operation of the program, while still remaining affordable to many of the former <br /> "Sun Fun" participants. Alternatives would consist of additional Athletics camps, as well as a series of <br /> "Enrichment Camps." Tentative Enrichment Camp topics are within the creative arts and <br /> environmental science realm, and could include: Nature Camps, Music, Theatre, Creative Writing and <br /> Pottery. The camp fees would be set to recover all direct costs and most would be proposed for <br /> funding in FY09-10. All of these new programs are tentative and would be fully developed or shelved, <br /> pending budget discussions held by the Board of Commissioners <br />
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