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2 <br /> With respect to Mr. Davis' request, staff recommended the item be tabled pending further review and <br /> assessment of the existing zoning regulations limiting the overall amount of land area that is allowed <br /> to support non-residential development within the Node. Staff supplied the Planning Board members <br /> with a letter from the applicant's attorney requesting the item be tabled until this review is complete <br /> (please refer to Attachment Two (2) of this abstract). <br /> During the review of the application and staffs recommendation, Planning Board members <br /> expressed the following: <br /> 1. Board members concurred with comments made by Commissioners Jacobs and Gordon that <br /> existing acreage limitations, as contained within Section 4.2.9 of the Ordinance, may need to <br /> be re-assessed based on the length of time since this threshold provision was adopted;. <br /> 2. Board members indicated that non-residential development within the Nodes ought to be. <br /> encouraged in an effort to bolster rural economic activities and eliminate the need for <br /> residents to travel long distances to take advantage of various commercial services; <br /> 3. Board members felt the regulations need an update and expressed concern there had been <br /> no attempt made to modify the aforementioned regulations consistent with the Planning <br /> Board's previous comments made during the review of a similar rezoning request in 1995. <br /> (Note: Planning staff in the mid to late 1990's attempted to begin a White Cross node <br /> evaluation but was redirected to work on the overall plan update). <br /> PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION: The Board voted unanimously to recommend: <br /> 1. The application be tabled consistent with staffs and the applicant's request, <br /> 2. Request the Board of County Commissioners direct staff to commence a comprehensive <br /> re-assessment of the regulations governing development within the various Nodes, <br /> 3. Staff present various options to address the Planning Board and BOCC concerns at the <br /> February 4, 2009 Planning Board meeting for further review and deliberation. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The review of options relating to addressing development issues within <br /> the Nodes can be handled by existing staff but must be evaluated and prioritized within the <br /> context of other projects the BOCC is considering as part of its goals for 2009. <br /> ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends the Board: <br /> 1. Close the Public Hearing, <br /> 2. Table the application, as requested by the applicant, allowing for a review of the various <br /> zoning and development issues within the White Cross Node, and <br /> 3. Direct staff to identify various options for resolving the identified issues, including <br /> estimated timelines for completion, for review and discussion by the BOCC as part of its <br /> identification of goals for 2009. <br />