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Excerpt of DRAFT Minutes 10 <br /> 55 <br /> 56 PUBLIC HEARING: During the Public Hearing Mr. Davis'Attorney, Mr. Steve Yuhasz,testified the central issue generating <br /> 57 the need for the request was over his clients continued ability to have the septic system supporting the existing commercial <br /> 58 operation on an AR zoned parcel of property. Planning staff has maintained that a septic system supporting a non- <br /> 59 residential land use,located/operating on a residentially zoned parcel of property is not permitted. <br /> 60 <br /> 61 It should be noted that the aforementioned septic system was installed prior to the development of this interpretation by staff. <br /> 62 <br /> 63 Mr. Yuhasz indicated his client is worried that if/when the existing septic system fails, Mr. Davis would be prohibited from <br /> 64 making the necessary improvements to maintain the use of the NC-2 zoned parcel as there is insufficient land area to install <br /> 65 a new septic system on the property. <br /> 66 <br /> 67 During the hearing, staff provided the following analysis of the request in accordance with section 20.3.3 of the <br /> 68 Orange County zoning ordinance: <br /> 69 1. The application has been deemed complete in accordance with the requirements of Article Twenty (20) of <br /> 70 the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> 71 2. The properties in question are located within the White Cross Rural Community Activity Node as denoted on <br /> 72 the Orange County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map. <br /> 73 3. According to Section 4.2.9 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance, the maximum amount of land zoned <br /> 74 NC-2: ' ... at any node shall not exceed nine acres, but a maximum of 5 acres shall apply where population <br /> 75 density is lower and distributed more widely than in the Transition areas.' There is a similar prohibition on <br /> 76 the amount of Local Commercial One (LC-1) zoned property within an established Node contained within <br /> 77 Article Four(4)of the Ordinance. <br /> 78 Staff asserted during the hearing that the population density within the Node is 'lower and distributed more <br /> 79 widely than in the Transition areas' and,as a result,the Node is limited to a total of five(5)acres of property <br /> 80 zoned NC-2, <br /> 81 4. In completing an assessment of the existing non-residentially zoned property within the White Cross Rural <br /> 82 Community Activity Node,the Zoning Officer has determined: <br /> 83 a. There is approximately four point four(4.4)acres of existing property zoned Local Commercial One <br /> 84 (LC-1)within the Node, and <br /> 85 b. There is approximately four point four (4.4) acres of existing property zoned Neighborhood <br /> 86 Commercial Two(NC-2)within the Node. <br /> 87 <br /> 88 At the November 2008 Quarterly Public Hearing, staff recommended that the request be denied as approval of the <br /> 89 request would result in there being more than five (5) acres of NC-2 zoned property within the Node, representing a <br /> 90 violation of Section 4.2.9 of the Ordinance <br /> 91 <br /> 92 During the hearing, several comments were made by BOCC members and staff indicating that there ought to be a <br /> 93 comprehensive re-assessment of the existing rural community activity nodes and the allowable levels of non- <br /> 94 residential development permitted within them. <br /> 95 <br /> 96 RECOMMENDATION: The Zoning Officer recommends the Planning Board table the application, subject to the <br /> 97 applicant's agreement, and the Board recommend to the BOCC that staff be directed to conduct an assessment of <br /> 98 the Node to identify possible modifications to address the problem for presentation to the Planning Board at their <br /> 99 February 2009 regular meeting. <br /> 100 <br /> 101 Michael Harvey informed the Planning Board Mr. Davis had submitted a letter indicating he was willing to have his <br /> 102 application for a Zoning Atlas Amendment tabled to allow for a comprehensive review of development constraints <br /> 103 within the existing County Nodes to take place. Michael Harvey indicated Mr. Davis' sole concern was that this <br /> 104 review should occur within a timely fashion. <br /> 105 <br /> 2 <br />