Minutes - 19720629
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19720629
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<br />ARTICLE X i ~ ~ ^= 46'eD <br />Finance Matters <br />1. On or bePora the 15th day oP April eeah year, the Council shall <br />prepare and submit to eeah partialpating governmental unite its proposed <br />general budget for the next Pisaal year aommenaing July 1. <br />2. The general budget shall set out the proportionate share of the <br />budget to be borne by each member governmental unit, with the per capita <br />(based on the latest deaennlsl census) share Por each member governmental <br />unit being the same. <br />3. A special budget providing for cooperative arraagemeata or <br />coordinated cation for two or more members may be adopted at the request of <br />members participating in special Punctioas. The share of the special budget <br />to be borne by each participating member shall be determined by the participat- <br />ing members. <br />~.. IIpon approval of 3ta share oP each budget by a member local <br />government, such member shall appropriate its share of the budgets and, <br />after adoption of its own budget, shall forward to the Counoil Treasurer <br />its share of the budgets. <br />5. All local appropriations to the Council shall be made in <br />aacordanee with the Municipal or County Fisasl Control Aat, as may be <br />appropriate. <br />6. The treasurer shall have authority to collect, deposit, and <br />dieburae Funds made available to the Council Prom any source whatsoever. <br />The treasurer of the Council shall, bePora entering upon his duties, post <br />a surety bond and nenditioned upon the faithful discharge of his tlutiea <br />in an amount and Porm :fixed by the Council. All monies received Por the <br />Council shall be deposited into a separate bank account, shall be ep~-~~~ked <br />Por the use of the Council, and shall be paid out on aheaka signed by the <br />accountant and aounteraigned by the treasurer or chairman of the Couacil. <br />The countersigning oPFicar shall countersign such aheaka only when they <br />are within the amount oP appropriations made according to the budget of <br />the Council. <br />7. The Council may designate a Council employee or with the agreement <br />of the governing body involved, designate one of the City or County <br />_ Aaaountants as the oPPiaisl Council Accountant to perform the f~nation oP <br />the City or County Accountant under the Municipal or County Fieoal Control <br />Act insofar ea peat-budget approval oP eapenditurea is aonaerned. <br />8. It shall be the duty oP the Covnail to require the books and <br />accounts oP the treasurer of the Council to be audited annually by a <br />certified publio accountant or by a public accountant registered under <br />Chapter 93 of the General 3tatutea. A copy oP the annual audit shall be <br />forwarded to eeah member county and muaiaipality. <br />ARTICLE XI <br />Committee Structure <br />1. The Council may establish an Ezeoutive Committee, other committees <br />of the Council itself, and technical and advisory committees. <br />2. ]~ecutive Committee. The executive committee, iP oreated by the <br />Council, shall aonaist of the Chairman oP the Council and two delegates <br />from each county. The chairman shall serve as a voting delegate and will <br />fill one of his aovaty~s allotted seats on the executive committee. All <br />delegates on the executive committee sxaept the Chairman shall be aelaated <br />by a aauous oP the Council delegates representing eeah governmental unit <br />within eeah county. <br />The executive committee shall be authorised to act for the Counoil on <br />all matters other than the adoption of the budget, the adoption of the <br />annual program of work, and the approval of resolutions relating to Federal <br />applications to be considered by the Council itsalP. <br />3. Technical and Advisor Committees. The Chairman may appoint <br />technical or a v sort' committees roadly representative membership <br />for any oP the planning studies and wvxk elements in the Program oP Work. <br />These Committees should work directly with the Council staff and its <br />aonaultaata and make periodic reports to the Counoil. In addition to <br />reviewing periodic progress reports, these advisory committees should <br />directly partioipate in the planning process. <br />I <br />
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