Orange County NC Website
.: __ ~~C <br />3. Pine View Estates, property of Gettie Carlisle, located in Chapel Fill <br />Township. The roads in this subdivision have been approved by the <br />State Highway Commission. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira Ward, seconded by Commissioner William C. <br />Ray, it was moved and adopted that said plat be approved. <br />4, 1.0~ acres located on New Ridge Road in Chapel H=.11 Township, property <br />of Silly Terry. Said plat had been approved by the County Planning <br />Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira Ward, seconded by Commissioner Henry Walker, <br />it was moved and adopted that the action of the County Planning Board be <br />approved and Chairman Sennett was authorized to sign said plat. <br />5. Wo1f~s Pond, Section 3, located in Chapel Hill Township, property of <br />Melas Corporation. The County Planning Board recommends the adoption <br />of said plat. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira Ward, seconded by Commissioner Henry Walker, <br />it was moved and adopted that the recommendation of the County Planning Board <br />be approved. <br />Mr. Cheshire inquired as to the opinion of the Board on the "ktctractive <br />Uses" proposals to the current Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the County <br />Planning Hoard was awaiting the opinion of the Board of Commissioners before <br />proceeding with their deliberations on the section. The Hoard deferred action <br />on the proposals until a later date. <br />A public hearing on zoning requests was scheduled for Thursday, June 22, <br />1972, at 8 P.M, in the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Dr. 0. David Garvin, District Health Officer. <br />He reviewed the background of the Supplemental Food Program which was <br />currently bainp, administered by the Health Department. 1~. Garvin cited the <br />problems which had been and were being encountered by his staff because of <br />this program. He stated that he had decided to terminate the program because <br />of administrative difficulty and the problems of nertification of individual <br />applicants. Dr. Garvin then introduced Robert Barnwell. PIr. Barnwell stated <br />that he was a representative of the CompY~ehensive Health Program and that his <br />department would assume the responsibility of distributing and certifying <br />of applicants for the Supplemental Food Program. Discussion ensued. The <br />Board agreed to allow the Comprehensive Health Pro~{ram to administer the <br />Supplemental rood Program provided that this Department would assume the <br />full responsibility for the operation of the program. Mr. Barnwell assured <br />the Board that this was the intent of his Department. <br />TTD On motion of Commissioner Tra ~+iard, seconded by Commissioner William C. <br />Ray, it was moved and adopted that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />express its appreciation to the citizens of Chapel Hill who had assisted with <br />the food distribution program and to Dr. Garvin for his institution and <br />concern of the program. <br />Chairman Hennett recognized Ebert Pieroe, Chairman of the Extension <br />Service. Mr. Pierce introduced Cyrus Green who is in charge of the Seef Cattle <br />Improvement Program in the county. Mr. Green explained that each county moat now assume <br />the responsibility of weighing its beef cattle and that mobile scales ware <br />needed for the continuation of the Beef Cattle Improvement Program. He <br />stated that he could acquire a set of used scales for $1,000.00. Mr. Green <br />stated that his department did nut have the money with xhich he could purchase the <br />scales. Discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner William C, Ray, seconded by Commissioner Henry <br />Walker, it was moved and adopted, that the ~tenaion Service be allocated <br />X1,000.00 for the purchase of a set of beef cattle scales. <br />Chairman Sennett recognized Fred Cates, Mayor of the Town of Hillsborough. <br />Mayor Cates inquired ae to the status of payment on the water lines to the <br />Valley Forge Plant. The County Administrator advised the Mayor that there <br />remained one payment due to the company that had installed the line. Mayor <br />Cates stated that the line had broken and that the break had caused the Town <br />of Hillsborough considerable expense, trouble and water lose. He requested <br />that the 13ne be thoroughly inspected. <br /> <br />