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money designated for Twin Creeks Park and use it for Twin Creeks Park. There is additional <br /> money in the Soccer Super Fund could be used for the field, but the part that is designated for <br /> Twin Creeks Park should be used for creating a linear park. She said that the staff was <br /> supposed to do some preliminary work on this. She wants to start developing Twins Creeks <br /> with a linear park as a first phase. <br /> Commissioner Nelson would like to see from staff whether what Commissioner Gordon <br /> is asking is feasible. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Gordon in having staff look at the <br /> minutes. He asked that David Stancil and Lori Taft come back with information in writing about <br /> Commissioner Gordon's suggestion. Regarding the Soccer Super Fund money, he met with <br /> the Vice-Chair, the County Manager, the Mayor of Chapel Hill, and the Manager of Chapel Hill <br /> about another issue, and this possibility was brought up. The Mayor and the Manager seemed <br /> amenable to this idea if there was a presentation to the Town Board. There would have to be <br /> an agreement with the Town on ownership, etc. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that if money is going to be shifted around, he'd like to see <br /> the operating fund implications of each of these things. He wants to know all of the <br /> implications of taking on capital projects. <br /> Commissioner Nelson made reference to the funds for library improvements amounting <br /> to $3 million, which the Manager put in the CIP originally when the County was committed to <br /> the southwest library. Since that time, the Library Task Force has recommended some other <br /> items. He is interested in the CIP reflecting the funding that it would take to implement the <br /> Library Task Force recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he toured some of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools <br /> today, and it was eye-opening. He said that there are a number of roof leaks at Phillips Middle <br /> School. There are also some other significant problems at other schools that need repair. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she had suggested previously taking two items for land <br /> acquisition and putting first the words "Lands Legacy" and then a `slash' before the other <br /> wording to describe them as Lands Legacy items. For example, Lands Legacy/Reserve for <br /> Future Land Purchases and Lands Legacy/Mountains to Sea Trail. She also suggested taking <br /> all of the projects that have increased over the last year and evaluate them to see if the <br /> additional funding could be reallocated. There are also some projects that she is not sure <br /> about the urgency such as Government Services Annex of $200,000, and perhaps these funds <br /> could also be reallocated. She asked about the recommendation to fund, with an additional <br /> penny, the County facilities, which the Manager is recommending not be done. She asked if <br /> this affects any other item besides the County Facilities and it was answered no. She said that <br /> last year the CIP had unfunded capital needs, including County facilities and land <br /> opportunities, and parks development. She said that the land opportunities that are unfunded <br /> should also be listed as unfunded this year. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked that the Manager and Donna Coffey make sure that all of <br /> Commissioner Gordon's questions were captured by checking with Commissioner Gordon. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the $1.2 million for Emergency Service needs and <br /> Laura Blackmon said that this would be brought back to the Board. Commissioner Jacobs said <br /> that he would like to follow the study. Laura Blackmon said that the RFP would be coming in <br /> January. Commissioner Nelson agreed. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the stabilization of buildings at New Hope Park and <br /> asked if there were concerns about the Manager's recommendation. Twin Creeks bond money <br /> will not be used for this project. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz asked for the Manager to search for other opportunities to find a <br /> place other than the Link Center renovations to capture that money for building stabilization. <br />