Minutes - 20081117 - Transfer Station
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20081117 - Transfer Station
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Last modified
3/15/2016 3:34:26 PM
Creation date
1/26/2009 8:44:06 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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not to rush into a decision and to look into a waste to energy facility. He suggested working <br /> with adjacent counties on this. <br /> Bonnie Hauser was speaking on behalf of Orange County Voice. She said that these <br /> facilities are sited near highways and industrial centers. She asked that the County <br /> Commissioners take 90 days to consider other options. She suggested the following steps: <br /> that the County Commissioners search for a five to ten-acre site that is adjacent to an <br /> industrial area and the highway. She suggested sites such as the abandoned truck stop, the <br /> industrial center, and the Touchstone Energy Center on NC 86. Secondly, she suggested that <br /> the County Commissioners consider a waste to energy facility for the long-term. Experts have <br /> said that it would take five years to get this type of facility up and running, but it could take as <br /> little as three years. Third, she suggested contracting with a commercial vendor like Waste <br /> Industries to handle at least part of the trash until whatever option that is pursued is up and <br /> running. <br /> Virginia Leslie lives one half mile from NC 54 and Orange Grove Road. She said that <br /> we are in a global crisis —financial, environmental, and conflicts based largely on the <br /> dependency on oil. Al Gore and President-Elect Obama have called for 100% clean energy in <br /> ten years. Every decision made either works toward that goal or away from it. She spoke <br /> about the impact of emissions and the dependency on gasoline on the environment. She <br /> spoke in support of a waste to energy facility. She asked that the County increase education <br /> for waste reduction, composting, and increased recycling. She asked the County <br /> Commissioners to delay the decision for 90 days. <br /> Ralph Warren spoke about the rank of the criteria. He said that there is a <br /> misapplication of the environmental justice assignment. He spoke about the impacts of water <br /> and refuse leaving the site. He said that no water should leave the transfer site. <br /> Peggy Dodson spoke on behalf of her parents and family about their land, site #779. <br /> This land has been in their family for over 100 years. This has been a tree farm and is a <br /> wetland area. She said that the family would work toward their grandmother's request to keep <br /> land in their family. She said that to put a transfer station on this site does not make <br /> environmental sense because it jeopardizes the safety of everyone that travels NC 54 with all <br /> of the trucks traveling. She said that transferring waste for a period of time seems foolish and <br /> wasteful when everyone needs to be thinking more about conserving resources. The <br /> groundwater quality is a big concern. She wants to keep her land safe for wildlife and for <br /> future generations. <br /> Dan Eddleman lives in Bingham Township and has served on the Orange County <br /> Planning Board and Board of Adjustment from December 1986 to October 1991. He spoke <br /> about the cost impact of a transfer station in distant Bingham Township. He made reference to <br /> a Greensboro Solid Waste Management Study that was conducted in 2001. He presented <br /> some materials regarding this. He said that out-of-county disposal, using a transfer station in <br /> this proposed area, is three times as expensive as a landfill. He suggested siting the transfer <br /> station in an industrial zone and protecting the residential areas from an adverse impact. <br /> Sue Dayton is with the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League and lives in <br /> Saxapahaw. She said that she has heard some talk about the waste to energy issue and she <br /> has been sending the idea around on an email listserv. Someone emailed her today from the <br /> listsery stating that waste to energy facilities need waste and that they are a disincentive to a <br /> sustainable future that must look at ways to decrease the waste stream and not increase it. <br /> She cautioned the County Commissioners strongly to look at the cumulative impacts of the <br /> sludge spraying activities. She asked the County Commissioners to look at other sites not in <br /> the rural areas. She encouraged the public to visit the table that she had outside with <br /> information on sewage sludge. <br />
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