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r" _ . ~~v <br />r <br />John Roberta, Member of the Town Board of Aldermen, stated that the Town <br />oP Hillsborough needed the additional revenue that would be received Prom: the <br />Whittaker Corporation in order to finance and operate the water and sewerage <br />plants and that he heartily endorsed the Whittaker Corporation plans to locate <br />in the Hillsborough area. <br />-- Jack Martia,.'Member_.oP_the Town Board of Aldermen, inquired of Jim <br />Yarborough, the proposed Plant Manager, as to exaatlq how much water would be <br />needed to operate the plant. Mr. Yarborough stated that in the beginning <br />the plant would need 250,000 gallons of water per day, but that in about <br />two years the plant would be using 500,000 gallons of water per day. -- <br />John Pridgan, Town Engineer, stated that even iP the Whittaker Corporation <br />did not legate in the Hillsborough area that the Tawas of Hillsborough ' <br />definitely needed to enlarge its sewerage plant and that when the plant is <br />altered that the Board oP Air and Water Resouroea would require the Town to <br />install a very expensive type oP treatment plant. He stated that the Town, <br />in all probability, could not afford the needed type of treatment system <br />uglesa a substantial water user looated in the area. <br />Commissioner Henry 3. Walker stated that iP the Whittaker Corporation <br />plant could locate in the area without poluting the Eho River he 'would like <br />to have the plant proceed with its plena. <br />Commissioner Ira A. Ward stated that he felt the location oP the Whittaker <br />Corporation, in the Hillsborough area, would produce a tremendous strain on the <br />available natural resouxaea. That any industry which used as much as <br />3,300 gallons of water per day per job and that hared atlah a small number of <br />people and passesaed suoh a small taxable property valuation was not a <br />desirable industry and he was opposed to the plant locating in the Hillsborough <br />area. <br />Commissioner Norman Walker stated that he waulfl be willing to have the <br />Whittaker Corporation locate in the Hillsborough area as he felt that a i <br />sufficient water supply was available and that the Eno River would nut be <br />polluted by the effluent. ~i <br />Commissioner W311iam C. Raq stated that the Fhginaera study had comrinced <br />him that the Whittaker Corporation would not pollute Eno River and that the <br />County had empounded water in Lake Orange to aid in the industrial development <br />of the County, therefore, he favored the location of the Whittaker Corporation <br />in the County. <br />Chairman Harvey Bennett stated that he felt the memorandum received Prom the <br />Natural and Eaonomia Resources, set forth severe implications as far as both <br />water and sewerage services which could be rendered by the Town was concerned <br />and that ha felt it was further unwise to allocate moat oP the natural resouroea <br />oP the area to .one industry, therefore, he was opposed to the proposed plans of <br />the Whittaker Corporation to locate in the Hillsborough area. <br />Fred Cates, Mayor oP the Town oP Hillsborough, stated that the Tawas badly <br />needed to improve its current water and sewerage facilities and that the Town <br />was not financially able to make the needed improvements unless :.. substantial <br />new water and sewer revenues are obtained. Mayor Cates atatad that the <br />Department oP Natural and Econamio Resources are satisfied that a sufficient <br />water supply is available to serve the Whittaker plant and that both he and <br />the State Department are satisfied that s modern well equipped sewerage plant <br />can adequatelq treat the effluent produced by the Whittaker Corporation, <br />therefore, he was strongly in favor of allowing the Whittaker Corporation to <br />looate in the Hillsborough area. <br />Dissuasion ensued between the Board and Mr. Yarborough relative to the <br />aonstruation of a sewerage line Prom the'.Whittatier-0erporation plant site to <br />the Hillsborough treatment plant. The Board suggested to Mr. Yarborough that <br />the Whittaker Corporation should esaume the coat of constructing said line to <br />the towns treatment plant. Mr. Yarborough replied that he was not empowered <br />to answer this suggestion and that he moat confer with the management oP his <br />company prior to making any committment. <br />Chairman Sennett advised Mr. Yarborough that iP the.Whittaker Corporation <br />could not accept the proposal made by the acrd then the Board would be willing <br />to have a counter proposal from the Whittaker Corporation. _ <br />~~ - <br />L. There being no further business to some before t~Baard the meeting <br />was adjourned. <br />Harvey D. Bennett, Chairman <br />8. M. Gattis, Acting Clark <br />~/ , <br />