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Alderman Broun asked was the expectation that before the end of this year, that the individual <br /> boards would consider adoption of a resolution, and then the work group would begin meeting. <br /> Mayor Chilton stated that would be his preference. He said the discussion among each board did <br /> not needed to be complex, noting he believed the Carrboro Board could discuss it in October and <br /> come to a conclusion. Mayor Chilton said that would also allow each jurisdiction to give this <br /> some more thought and have more discussion outside of this room. <br /> Alderman Lavelle stated there were already groups that met on a regular basis that focused on <br /> transit, and it may be more logical that the first members of this work group be members that <br /> were on some of those transit groups. She said as they addressed different issues, then other <br /> members could step in as warranted. <br /> Mayor Stevens commented that he was seeing a lot of"nodding of heads," and asked if that was <br /> the way this group wanted to move forward. There were no objections from those present. <br /> Alderman Gist suggested that senior members of each jurisdictions' staff be given the <br /> opportunity to provide its board with feedback before it was considered for adoption. <br /> Mayor Stevens thanked those who had come tonight to help the various boards discuss these <br /> issues. Mayor Chilton added he particularly wanted to thank Commissioner Cross for attending <br /> and representing Chatham County's interests. <br /> 4) AFFORDABLE HOUSING <br /> a) Recommendation from the Land Trust <br /> 9:20:14 PM Mary Bratsch, Commissioner of the Land Trust Affordable Housing Maintenance <br /> Task Force, provided a presentation on behalf of the Land Trust. She stated that at the <br /> September 2007 Assembly of Governments meeting it was decided to form a task force to <br /> review the long-term maintenance of land trust properties and the capital needs of the Orange <br /> County Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness. She said that the Task Force had met five times, <br /> and then described the recommendations being put forward. <br /> For Maintenance Needs: <br /> 1. Establishing a revolving loan fund for maintenance/repair costs with zero percent interest <br /> for buyers. This would require a dedicated source of revenue, possibly from <br /> governments, and should be available to all buyers of properties sponsored by local non- <br /> profit housing organizations. Federal and State sources are not viable sources due to <br /> spending timeframes. <br /> 2. Place all Land Trust homes on a maintenance schedule similar to those of condominium <br /> associations to include such items as house painting and replacing big-ticket items. <br /> 3. Provide an incentive for owners of Land Trust homes purchased under the old model to <br /> contribute to a maintenance fund by the Land Trust matching their contributions. <br /> 4. Work more closely with homeowners. For example, refer experienced housing <br /> contractors and subcontractors for maintenance needs during ownership. <br /> 11 <br />