Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> 2009 Application for Membership <br /> Eno River Farmers' Market <br /> Must be received by: January 10, 2009 <br /> Name Member New Applicant <br /> Farm/Business Name <br /> Address Town Zip <br /> Phone Cell Phone <br /> Email <br /> Address of Production Site(s) if different than mailing address <br /> Website <br /> Please list all of the products that you will offer for sale. If you are a returning member, indicate new products with an <br /> asterisk(*). <br /> Farm, Farm-related and Craft Products that You Intend to Sell <br /> Farm Products(Vegetables,fruits, herbs, plants,flowers, animal products, etc) <br /> Value-added Products(Majority grown or produced by seller or purchased from local producer. Animal products, <br /> baked goods,jams,jellies, relishes, etc) <br /> Crafts (Edible or non-edible, made from non-locally produced ingredients or materials. Be specific.) <br /> Other Markets You Attend or Use(Provide list) <br /> Wholesale <br /> Farm Stand <br /> CSA <br /> Farmers Markets <br /> Your application is as a Farm Member? Value-added Farm Product Member_ Or Craft Member <br /> ****************************see other side**************************** <br />