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• <br />d. Employees using Motor Pool vehicles will complete the "Mileage Record for <br />Orange County Motor Pood Vehicles" form at the end of each day's use and return <br />it to the Public Works Department staff at the end of the reservation period. These <br />forms are provided at the time vehicles are checked out. <br />Maintain records of all fuel obtained from sources other than the Public Works <br />fuel dispensing facility. Records are to include dates, odometer readings, and <br />number of gallons each time fuel is acquired. A record of all transactions for each <br />month is to be provided to the Public Works Department on the first working day <br />of the month for the prior month. Employees may wish to obtain a County fuel <br />charge card from the Finance Department for out of town travel. <br />f. Employees are responsible for parking Motor Pool vehicles at the Public Works <br />Facility at the end of the reservation period. If the employee returns after hours <br />the employee may choose to leave the vehicle at another County facility. <br />However, it is the employee's responsibility to return the vehicle to Public Works <br />by 8:00 a.m. the following morning in order that next day reservations maybe <br />filled without delay. <br />7. Emergencies <br />i a. Breakdown <br />The employee shall cease operation of the vehicle as soon as possible and <br />shall call the Motor Pool Supervisor for assistance if any of the following <br />events occur: <br />• .oil light comes on or oil gauge drops to zero; or <br />• temperature light comes on or temperature gauge shows the vehicle is <br />becoming abnormally hot; or <br />• the brake warning light comes on; or <br />• other problems with vehicle. operation occur that indicate the vehicle <br />should no longer be driven. <br />2. In the event of breakdown (any location) during normal business hours, <br />the employee will contact their supervisor or Department Head and the <br />Orange County Motor Pool at 245-2632 or 245-2625. The Motor Pool <br />Supervisor or designee will provide further instructions. <br /> <br />6 <br />