Orange County NC Website
POLICY FOR INSERTION INTO THE POLICY MANUAL <br />MEETING DATE: 12/04/2000 NUlVlBER: P:0545 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/04/2000 REVISIONS: <br />POLICY: ANON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY FOR AGENCIES <br />RECEIVING COUNTY FUNDS <br />WHEREAS, in 1989 the Orange County Board of County Commissioners established the <br />Orange County Human Relations Commission to among other things make certain that in <br />Orange County the policies provided for in various federal rules, regulations, and laws <br />prohibiting discrimination were carried out in a lawful manner; and <br />WHEREAS, direct discrimination by federal, state, or local governments is prohibited by <br />the Constitution and indirect discrimination through the use of public funding is equally <br />undesirable; and <br />WHEREAS, justice requires that public funds to which all taxpayers contribute, not be <br />distributed in any way that encourages, subsidizes, or results in discrimination; and <br />WHEREBY, any operation of a local publicly funded program in a discriminatory <br />fashion defeats the legislative objectives of the Board; and <br />WHEREAS, this edict reflects the values and beliefs of the residents of Orange County as <br />shown by their commitment to the Orange County Civil Rights Ordinance; <br />NOW THEREFORE, do we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby enact a <br />non-discrimination policy that prohibits County funds from being used either directly or <br />indirectly to support agencies discriminating on the basis of race, color, gender, national <br />origin, age, handicap, religion, sexual orientation, familial status, or veterans status. <br />This, the 4th day of December 2000. <br /> <br />