Orange County NC Website
POLICY FOR INSERTION INTO THE POLICY MANUAL <br />MEETING DATE: April 6, 1989 NUMBER: A:0520 <br />• EFFECTIVE DATE: May 1, 1989 REVISIONS: March 31, 1993 <br />~~~~~L~ <br />POLICY: AGENDA SCHEDULES AND ABSTRACT COVER SHEET <br />The blue Agenda Abstract Cover Sheet will accompany all agenda <br />abstracts and be filled in before the agenda deadline of an upcoming <br />Commissioner's meeting. The cover sheet has the following spaces for <br />comment: <br />Purchasing* Any contracts or agreements leading to a <br />future contract should be submitted to the <br />Purchasing and Central Services department <br />for review on or before the Monday preceding <br />the agenda deadline. <br />Attorney Any abstract which deals with a contract or <br />ordinance or which touches on a legal <br />question should be submitted to the Attorney <br />on or before the Monday before the agenda <br />deadline. Please send a copy of your agenda <br />item to the Attorney. Be sure to attach a <br />copy of your Agenda Abstract Cover Sheet. <br />• Finance* Any item which has a financial impact on the <br />County should be sent to the Finance <br />Department on or before the Monday preceding <br />the agenda deadline. This includes grants, <br />budget requests, and any changes in policy <br />which may necessitate changes in the County <br />budget. <br />Assistant Manager Any department reporting to an Assistant <br />Manager should submit the item to the <br />appropriate ACM before the deadline. <br />Courtesy Copies Whenever any other department is directly or <br />indirectly affected by the issue in your <br />agenda abstract, you should send a copy of <br />the abstract to that department for a <br />courtesy review. Please indicate to which <br />departments a copy has been sent. <br />* NOTE - Please send the document to be reviewed to Purchasing and/ <br />or Finance as quickly as it is received in your department. It is <br />understood that you may need to modify the contract, but early <br />submittal will provide an opportunity for questions to be answered <br />without holding up the abstract until the next Commissioner's <br />meeting. <br />• 1 <br />