Orange County NC Website
<br />Concerning more than one BQCC member on Orange County Advisory Boards and <br />Commissions <br />The Orange County Volunteer Resolution does not explicitly address having more <br />than one BOCC member on advisory boards, The Volunteer Resolution defines BOCC <br />Liaison roles.. However, it does not specify whether advisory boards can have more than <br />one liaison.. The Volunteer Resolution also defines BOCC Alternate; this is defined as a <br />member who serves as a substitute for a regular member who is absent.. An alternate may <br />attend meetings, but they cannot participate, unless they are substituting. Not all Orange <br />County advisory boards that have BOCC representation {member or liaison) also have <br />BOCC alternates. <br />vi some cases, advisory board bylaws specify total membership, including the <br />number of BOCC members. If the Orange County Volunteer Resolution were to be <br />changed, it would supersede any Orange County Advisory Board Bylaws. <br />There are some Orange County Boards that are state-mandated or have state- <br />regulated membership standards: ABC Boaz~d, Health Board and Social Services Boaz~d. <br />The membership rosters of those boards cannot be changed <br />There are some boards that are not County-created boards. The BOCG has no <br />,jurisdiction over the Bylaws of these boards. Example: T.~COG, TTA <br />Because the Orange County Volunteer Resolution does not clearly deal with <br />having more than one BOGC member on advisory boards, a change is proposed in the <br />Volunteer Resolution so that BOCC representation is cleazIy addressed. <br />