P-0420 - Fee Schedule for Copies and Process 01-01-1993
BOCC Archives
P-0420 - Fee Schedule for Copies and Process 01-01-1993
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Last modified
1/15/2009 2:46:12 PM
Creation date
1/15/2009 2:46:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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MEMORANDUM --- . <br />TO: All Department Heads <br />. FROM: John M. Link, Jr. <br />DATE: November 3, 1988 <br />RE: FEE SCHEDULE FOR COPIES AND PROCESS <br />On September 20, the Board of Commissioners approved a <br />new fee schedule for copies of documents requested by the <br />uublic. S have attached a copy of that agenda abstract. <br />This policy is the second part of the policy the Board <br />approved on April 19 regarding guidelines for public access <br />to County records. You were sent a copy of that information <br />at that time. <br />The process for collecting these copy fees will be as <br />follows: <br />1. If the person comes into your office, you may <br />either make the copies and charge accordingly or as the <br />policy states provide the copies w*ithin 3 days. If you make <br />the copies while the person is in your office, follow tt2 <br />below. If you provide the copies within three days and mail <br />the documents, follow n3 below. <br />2. Receive the amount charged, write a receipt and <br />forward a copy of the receipt and the money to the Revenue <br />Department. <br />3. Complete the attached invoice in triplicate. one <br />• copy goes to the person rectuesting the copies, one copy to <br />finance and one copy for your files. <br />If you do not have.a receipt boo}., please call finance <br />and one will be provided. All monies collected are to be <br />taken to the Revenue Department and deposited to Revenue code <br />XFI-22. <br />rr^or those codes that are mailed with an invoice send <br />a copy of that invoice to the Finance Office. You do not <br />need to do any further followup. The Finance Office will let <br />you know when the invo~,Ce ].5 paid by retuning tc~ you the <br />bottom portion of 'the invoice. If the invo~,ce is not paid <br />and you get a xequest ~x'GA- ghat same person, you indicate <br />that further copies will nat be provided until the ~~svious <br />invoice has been paid. <br />The process has been simplified ~p_ your conv~~,.ence <br />in serving the public. Sa.nce this is ~. rew proce~~, Tease <br />let me know a~ any tiroblez~s you expex'ience. If y+au ~~ve any <br />questions about the policy Q~ prQCa~ss, pleas~t ce~~.~. ~~ hones <br />or Beverly Blythe. <br />Thank you. <br />~J <br />
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