Orange County NC Website
DRAFT 6 <br />WELL FAILURE DETERMINATION PROCEDURES <br />ualit <br />i 1. The homeowner or resident notifies the County of the problems they are <br />experiencing with their well. The information given should be as specific <br />and detailed as possible in regards to the problems they have and the <br />history of those problems. <br />2. The Health Department will conduct bacteriological and inorganic chemical <br />water samples. Other types of samples may be collected, depending on the <br />specifics of the complaint. <br />3. If the sample results indicate there is a well failure, the Health Department <br />will notify ASC so their expert can visit the site to complete the probable <br />result assessment. <br />4. ASC's "qualified expert" visits the site and performs diagnostic procedures to <br />evaluate whether the quality problems are a probable result of the quarry <br />operations. <br />5. The expert shall prepare a report of their findings for review and reference <br /> in further handling of the matters. <br />6. If there is a determination that a well failure exists and is a probable result <br /> of the quarry operation, ASC is responsible for remediation of the situation. <br />7. If the probable result determination is negative, the expert will refer the <br /> situation back to the County for renovation, repair, treatment system, or <br /> replacement through the NFWRF. <br />uantit <br />1. The .homeowner or resident notifies the County of the problems they are <br />experiencing with their well. The information given should be as specific <br />and detailed as possible in regards to the problems they have and the <br />history of those problems. <br />2. The County will notify ASC <br />3. ASC will have a "qualified expert" visit the site and perform diagnostic <br />procedures to evaluate whether there is a defined well failure in terms of <br />well water quantity. <br />4. The expert shall prepare a report of their findings for review and reference <br />in further handling of the matters. <br />• <br />