P-0365 - Open Burning by Governmental Entities and Non-Profits Receiving County Funds 09-05-2000-5d
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P-0365 - Open Burning by Governmental Entities and Non-Profits Receiving County Funds 09-05-2000-5d
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Last modified
1/15/2009 12:25:29 PM
Creation date
1/15/2009 12:25:28 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Agenda Item
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POLICY FOR INSERTION INTO THE POLICY MANUAL <br />1 <br />MEETING DATE: <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: <br />September 5, 2000 <br />NUMBER: P0365 <br />• <br />• <br />September 5, 2000 <br />REVISIONS: <br />POLICY: Open Burning by Governmental Entities and Non-Profits Receiving County <br />Funds <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners finds that inappropriate open burning of debris <br />associated with development and land clearing activities contributes unnecessarily to adverse <br />environmental, public health, and public safety impacts for Orange County and its citizens. <br />The Board wishes to make explicit its expectations of governmental and non-profit entities <br />(and their agents) that receive capital project and/or operational support from funds <br />appropriated by Orange County, as to those entities' disposal plans for vegetative and wood <br />waste, and the like, associated with their project or operational activities. All such entities <br />are expected to: <br />• Fully explore alternatives to burning of leaves, branches and other plant growth discarded <br />through construction, program operation, and/or service delivery. Alternatives to burning <br />include mulching/chipping, composting, and topsoil mining. <br />• To the extent permitted by law, bid projects and write contracts for projects, operations, <br />and services that expressly prohibit burning of vegetative and wood waste, and the like. <br />• Contact the Environment and Resource Conservation Department, on an "as needed <br />basis" to request assistance/referral to companies and organizations that offer acceptable <br />alternative vegetative/wood waste management services. The ERCD shall develop and <br />maintain a comprehensive referral list but shall refrain from recommending any firm. <br />• Burn, or cause to be burned, vegetative and wood waste only as a last resort and in the <br />case of undue financial hardship. Cost estimates for at least one alternative method <br />should be obtained. If burning is still pursued, the organization will notify (in advance, in <br />writing) the County and/or other local government in whose jurisdiction the activity will <br />occur with an explanation of why an alternative disposal method was not selected. <br />• Ensure that any burning accomplished in accordance with this policy as a last resort does <br />not occur on days where ozone levels are projected to reach code "orange" or code "red", <br />as posted daily on the NC Division of Air Quality web site, and through the NC Air <br />Awareness Program. <br />• Ensure that any burning accomplished in accordance with this policy as a last resort is <br />located at least 100 feet from any roadway for traffic safety reasons and no closer than <br />300 feet from any property line adjoining any meeting or gathering place such as a school, <br />church, restaurant, auditorium, governmental facility, office building, or the like. <br />The Orange County Unit of the NC Forest Service is specifically exempted from this policy as <br />it relates to burning activities associated with their hazard management programs. However, <br />
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