Orange County NC Website
os <br />RECOMMENDATION(S) : ,~••``'''~a <br />Manager makes the following preliminary recommendations: <br />1) That all copies of documents generated by and for the <br />County to include all major reports, surveys and studies. <br />Copies of which will be retained in the County Commis= <br />sinners meeting room of the administrative building. <br />These copies may be checked out of Board of County Commis- <br />sioners office and read on site. <br />2) If copies are requested by the public of any documentation <br />such copies will be made available within three working <br />days of the request. <br />At present there are no charges for copies made for the <br />public. The Manager is having the Director of Purchasing and <br />Central Services determine the practices of other local <br />governments in our surrounding area and we will recommend on <br />any schedule of fees at a later meeting in May. <br /> <br />• <br />• <br />