<br />131-6 cli. 132. rusLlc llt•.coxvs ~ 132-7
<br />id) The aforementioned order of seizure or preliminary injunc-
<br />tion shall issue without notice to the respondent and without the
<br />posting of any bond or other security by the petitioner. (1975, c.
<br />787, s. 2.)
<br />Public records and documents are
<br />the property of the State and not of
<br />the individual who happens, at the
<br />moment, to have them in his posses-
<br />sion; and when they are deposited in the
<br />place designated for them by law, there
<br />they must remain, and can be removed
<br />only under authority of an act of the leg-
<br />islature and in the manner and for the
<br />purpose designated by law. State v.
<br />Nest, 31 N.C. App. 431, 229 S.E.2d 826
<br />(1976), affd, 293 N.C..18, 235 S.E.2d 150
<br />(1977).
<br />Since ownership of bills of indict-
<br />ment is in the State, it cannot be dis-
<br />posed of except as provided by law.
<br />It cannot be forfeited through the over-
<br />sight, carelessness or even intentional
<br />conduct of any of the agents of the State.
<br />Thus, the documents in question left the
<br />custody of the court in an unlawful man-
<br />ner and legal title thereto cannot pass to
<br />the individual who happena;~ at the
<br />moment, to have them in his possession.
<br />State v. West, 31 N.C. App. 431,.229
<br />S.E.2d 826 (1976), affd, 293 N.C. 18, 235
<br />S.E.2d 150 (197?}.
<br />§ .132-6. Inspection and examination of records.
<br />Every person having custody of public records shall permit them
<br />to be inspected and examined at reasonable times and under his
<br />supervision by any person, and he shall furnish certified copies
<br />thereof on payment of fees as prescribed by law. (1935, c. 265, s. 6.)
<br />Local Modification. -New Hano-
<br />ver: 1981, c. 960; city of Gastonia: 1985
<br />Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 902, s. 8.
<br />Legal Periodicals. -For comment
<br />on public access to government-held
<br />records, see 55 N.C.L. Rev. 1187 (1977).
<br />"Any Person" Includes Corpora-
<br />tion. -The General Assembly did not
<br />intend to exclude corporate entities from
<br />the scope of the phrase "any person" in
<br />For a note on the public's access to
<br />public records, see 60 N.C.L. Rev. 853
<br />(1982).
<br />~.
<br />this section. Advance Publications, Inc.
<br />v. City of Elizabeth City, 53 N.C. App.
<br />504, 281 S.E.2d 69 (1981).
<br />§ 132-7. Keeping records in safe places; copying or
<br />repairing; certified copies.
<br />Insofar as possible, custodians of public records shall keep them
<br />in fireproof safes, vaults, or rooms fitted with noncombustible mate-
<br />rials and in such arrangement as to be easily accessible for conve-
<br />nient use. All public records should be kept in the buildings in
<br />which they are ordinarily used. Record books should be copied or
<br />re~aired, renovated or rebound if worn, mutilated, damaged or diffi-
<br />cu.t to read. Whenever any State, county, or municipal records are
<br />in need of repair, restoration, or rebinding, the head of such State
<br />agency, department, board, or commission, the board of county com-
<br />missioners of such county, or the governing body of such municipal-
<br />ity may authorize that the records in need of repair, restoration, or
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