Orange County NC Website
3.2.5 Users with access to confidential information should sign the Employee <br />Confidentiality Agreement (see Attachment I) and be given a copy of same when it is signed. <br />3.2.6 Users will keep any portable equipment in a secure place, adhere to the <br />department's checkout procedures, and use the equipment exclusively for County business. <br />3.2.7 Users will use County equipment for County business only. Personal use of County <br />equipment is prohibited. <br />3.3 Computer Records <br />Dissemination of records maintained on the computer are subject to the Public Records <br />Law and are disclosed only in accordance with the law. Users unfamiliar with the requirements <br />of the Public Records Law will be expected to seek clarification from a supervisor prior to <br />releasing information. <br />Section 4. TRAINING <br />4.1 The County recognizes the importance of providing adequate training opportunities to <br />enable employees to fully utilize the computer technology endorsedlpromoted by the organization. <br />It is an expectation that training will occur within 12 months after employees have access to <br />assigned County hazdwaze and softwaze. <br />• 4.2 The following statements establish the requirements and expectations of employees engaged <br />in computer hardware or softwaze training: <br />4.2.1 Once an employee is enrolled in County sponsored and funded training, mandatory <br />attendance throughout the training is required. Any exceptions must be approved by the <br />employee's Department Head and/or supervisor. <br />4.2.2 In order to enroll in County sponsored and/or funded training, the employee must <br />have access to the appropriate softwaze packages and hardware. <br />4.3 Supervisors are responsible for ensuring employees have access to training opportunities for <br />assigned County hazdwaze and softwaze. Presently, training opportunities aze provided through <br />in-house training, self-paced tutorials offered for check out through the Personnel Department <br />and training through outside contractors. Supervisors should consult with the employee to <br />determine their skill level and reach a mutual decision regazding training needs. <br />• <br />5 <br />