Orange County NC Website
<br />PC RRSTRICTIONS <br />Personal computer capabilities create a special environment <br />in which certain restrictions must be observed. These are <br />the following: <br />AUTHORIZED US Personal computer resources are provided for <br />County busines Personal and other non-County uses must be <br />approved by the epartment director with those tasks <br />completed outsid normal. working hours. It is the <br />responsibility of he department director or designated <br />representative to b aware of and approve all applications <br />installed on persona computers. <br />NON-COUNTY SOFTWARE: ~nly software purchased or otherwise <br />obtained by the County to be operated on the personal <br />computers. The operatio of personal or other non-County <br />software is not permitted or County business. <br />OFF-SITE USE: Since persona computers are purchased for <br />specific business needs, they are not to be transported from <br />their approved business locati s unless the move is <br />associated with the proper cond t of County business. This <br />restriction is applicable to data data media, programs, <br />documentation, and equipment. ' <br />DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE OWNERSHIP: Any software developed on a <br />County personal computer is the prop ty of the County and <br />shall not be sold or given to anyone w'thout written consent <br />of the user department director. <br />COPYRIGHT PROTECTION: Through the purcha of hardware and <br />software the County automatically comes un r provisions. of <br />the copyright laws. These laws are normall contained in <br />equipment and software manuals and they must a adhered to. <br />These. laws generally prohibit the copying of p ograms for use <br />on other personal computer installations. No s ftware or <br />software manuals are to be copied for anything o er than the <br />owners use. <br />,,~ <br />DATA FROCESSING SUPPORT: Hon-authorized equipment o <br />software will not be supported. `~ <br />