P-0320 - Impact Fee Reimbursement Policy for Affordable Housing 03-04-1998-9a
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P-0320 - Impact Fee Reimbursement Policy for Affordable Housing 03-04-1998-9a
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Last modified
1/15/2009 11:26:18 AM
Creation date
1/15/2009 11:26:15 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Agenda Item
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9 <br />payments in one fiscal year. Therefore, the cost of impact fees should be budgeted when developing <br />housing development projects and should be included in all grant and loan applications. <br />Written request for impact fee reimbursement should be submitted to the Orange County Housing and <br />Community Development Department prior to the anticipated date the building permit will be obtained. The <br />request should include all information necessary for a determination of eligibility, including so much of the <br />following that is pertinent: a description of the anticipated beneficiary (homeowner or tenant), a detailed <br />constnaction budget including amounts for individual houses or rental units, an estimated completion date, <br />the house selling price or the proposed rent schedule, including utility costs. <br />If funding is unavailable in the current fiscal year budget, the Housing and Community Development Director <br />will notify the non-profit organization. If funding is unavailable, the application for reimbursement will be <br />considered in the next fiscal year. Applications will be considered on a first in, first out basis with .unfunded <br />applications carrying over from fiscal year to fiscal year unless withdrawn. <br />Requests will be reviewed within 15 working days and the Housing and Community Development Director <br />will make a recommendation to the County Manager. The recommendation of the Housing and Community <br />Development Director will be based on whether or not the application satisfies the eligibility criteria, includes <br />all of the information required by this Procedure and whether or not the project budget is adequate for the <br />proposed housing project. <br />The Manager's recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners, for or against reimbursement, will <br />be conveyed to the applicant in writing by the Manager within 15 working days after the Manager receives <br />the recommendation of the Housing and Community Development Director. The recommendation of the <br />Manager will be based on the recommendation of the Housing and Community Development Director AND <br />whether or not there are adequate funds budgeted in the current fiscal year to reimburse the applicant for <br />• impact fees paid by the applicant. <br />4. If the Manager's recommendation is favorable, the item will be placed on the next Board of County <br />Commissioners agenda for its consideration. If the board decision is favorable, the non-profit <br />organization will be reimbursed for the impact fee that it has paid. <br />The Housing and Community Development Director will communicate the decision to the Planning <br />Department and the Finance Department. <br />The non-profit organization is responsible for providing written notice, including documentation, of impact <br />fee payment to the Housing and Community Development Department. The organization will be reimbursed <br />within five working days of receipt of the written notice by the Housing and Community Development <br />Department. <br />All funding decisions by the Board of County Commissioners will be good for a period of twelve months from <br />the date of approval. If the building permit is not obtained within that time period, the organization must <br />reapply for funding. <br />Effective: July 1, 1995 <br />Approved: November 1, 1995 <br />Revised: April 1, 1997; March 4, 1998 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Proposed Chances to County Tax Notice Format <br />The Board considered a proposal to improve the tax notice form and provide the County with a <br />low-cost method of communication with the citizens. <br />
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