Orange County NC Website
E. Capital Reserve <br />The capital reserve fund, established by the Board of Commissioners in 1995 -96 is <br />equivalent to one cent on the General Fund Property Tax Rate (not adjusted for the 1997 <br />revaluation of property but adjusted for revaluation of real property beyond the 1997 <br />revaluation.) This reserve will accumulate during 1996 -97 and 1997 -98 with these funds <br />used for site acquisition for schools and or recreation, or the combination of both. The <br />Board of Commissioners will evaluate this reserve fund during 1998 -99 to determine if <br />this one cent reserve should continue. <br />F. School/Parks/Recreation <br />It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners to evaluate each new proposed <br />school in both School Districts for joint use to include park and recreation use. <br />G. Recurring Capital <br />Recurring capital for each School System will be based on the equivalent of three cents on <br />the General Fund Property Tax Rate (not adjusted for the 1997 revaluation of real <br />property but adjusted each revaluation thereafter.) Funds will be allocated to each school <br />system based on the State Department of Public Instruction planning allocation which is <br />the same method used to allocate current expense appropriation. <br />H. Planning Period <br />During each fiscal year, the Board of Commissioners shall adopt a ten year Capital <br />Improvements Plan. The ten year plan shall include anticipated County capital <br />expenditures costing $30, 000 or more excluding equipment and anticipated school capital <br />expenditures costing $50,000 or more, excluding equipment. Equipment, costing $1,000 <br />or more can be considered as part of the Capital Improvements Plan. The first year of the <br />adopted Ten Year Capital Improvements Plan shall be incorporated into the next annual <br />operating budget recommended by the County Manager. <br />• <br />