Orange County NC Website
2. Provide the information that was shown in Number 10 of the old policy (see <br />• Attachment 2). This includes reference to the planning period of the Capital <br />Improvements Plan (ten years) and states the minimum project amounts for School <br />and County projects. (See H on the revised policy at Attachment 1) <br />Staff recommends no change in the minimum project amounts with one exception. <br />County projects remain at a minimum of $30,000 and School projects remain at <br />$50,000. Staff recommends that equipment be excluded from these minimum levels, <br />and that equipment costing $1,000 or more, be considered as part of the Capital <br />Improvements Plan. The intent of this change is to allow automation <br />equipment/systems, vehicles, heating/cooling systems, to be part of the Capital <br />Improvements Plan. <br />The Manager has been in contact with the Superintendents of both school systems <br />concerning the proposed capital funding policy, and will be prepared to respond verbally <br />to the Board's questions. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Manager recommends that the Board adopt the revised capital funding policy. <br />u <br />