Orange County NC Website
• <br />use <br />V - B.•~ STORM WATER MANAGEMENT <br />V - B - 1. It shall be the responsibility of the <br />sibdivider to provide a design which shah <br />meet the following objectives. <br />A) Provide a suitable building area on each <br />lot which is safe from inundation and <br />egosion. <br />D) Prevent inundation of surface water into <br />sanitary sewer systems, septic tank ab- <br />sorption fields, pt3blic or individual <br />water systems, and onto adjacent lots. <br />C) Prevent natural runoff levels from sub-=: <br />stantially increasing by~insuring that <br />the runoff from the l0 year storm on the <br />developed site shall not be greater than <br />the rate of runoff on the same site in <br />a natural condition. <br />• <br />• <br />': . <br />*8) Protect the characteristics and capacity <br />of natural drainage ways, and eneoura e <br />reliance on natural drainage ways or <br />etaremoval of runoff by preventing their <br />impoundment, except where there may be a <br />site far intentional storm water detention <br />E) Protect all roads, driveways, utilities, <br />and other types of development from damage <br />caused by improper stoz~wates management. <br />F) Generally minimize the disturbance to <br />natural vegetation, minimize the area of <br />impervious surface and maximize the infil- <br />tration of storm water into the groundwste~ <br />system. <br />• To achieve these objectives the subdivide= <br />may use v~hatever combinations of mechanical <br />•dev#ees, aaturil buffers, large lots, or other <br />technical means that are available. .Drainage <br />easements may be required when necessary. <br />Such easenSeats shall be indicated oa the Final <br />,~ Plat. The relimina -inn shall be reviewed <br />by the Orange~£ount~ EroE~,on Contra •cer <br />and the_Depa,rtment of Transportation. <br />*Amended Effective (January 1?, 1979) <br />_~~_ <br />-.,~- <br />